Global Green Road Corridors: Enabling Factors for Successful Launch, Development, and Scale

Published Nov 2024

All sectors of the world economy are starting to flatten or reduce their carbon emissions—except transportation. Within this sector, the fastest growth in emissions comes from medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles (MHDVs). A rapid transition to zero-emission (ZE) MHDVs is crucial to reverse this trend and improve air quality in communities heavily burdened by diesel pollution. Road corridors provide the connections that make the transport system work, and ZE-MHDV technology is now able to serve these highest impact segments and turn the world’s corridors green.

This white paper outlines a comprehensive list of foundational conditions and key enabling factors essential for the successful development of green road corridors, providing a practical roadmap for implementation. It highlights best practices and features real-world examples of corridors currently under development globally.

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Drive to Zero would like to acknowledge several ZEVWISE partners for their input on this publication: WBCSD, UNEP, and The World Bank.

Author: Adrian Serna Tamez, Bill Van Amburg
Organization: Drive to Zero