CEM EVI and Global Drive to Zero Campaign
Energizing the CEM’s Work Programme, A Focus on Implementation
New Delhi, India, 7 April 2022, 14:45 – 15:45 IST
In light of the COP26 outcomes and governments’ net-zero emission pledges, the purpose of the event will be two-fold: 1) to boost EVI and Drive to Zero’s (D2Z) work programmes to ensure that the most impactful and value-added activities are prioritised; and 2) to agree on a detailed pathway of actions leading to CEM13 in Pittsburgh on 22-23 September.
Per-Anders Widell, Programme manager, EVI Coordination team within the IEA
Draft Agenda
- 14:45 Opening and welcome
- 14:50 State of Play – The Implementation of the EVI Work plan and the Global Drive to Zero Campaign
- The Coordinators (IEA and CALSTART) will present the status of the EVI work plan implementation and the Global Drive to Zero (D2Z) Campaign, including the Global Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Reflections from both Coordinators will be provided on areas of particular priority towards CEM13 and COP27 as input to the following discussion.
- 15:15 Discussion – mobilising efforts to accelerate the uptake of zero emission vehicles
- Participants will be invited to comment on current policy and regulatory challenges within governments related to the decarbonisation of mobility and how platforms such as EVI and the Global D2Z Campaign may support governments’ ambitions. The Coordinators will respond to how the identified topics may be integrated in the work ahead.
- 15:30 Looking forward to CEM13
- CEM13 hosts will brief participants on the opportunities for transport-related activities during the CEM13 in Pittsburgh on 22-23 September. The Coordinators will present a joint list of possible action items to follow-up on after the meeting for the preparations of CEM13.
- 15:40 Summary and Next steps
- The Chair of the event will summarise the discussion and present the next steps.
Registration and attendance:
This meeting can be attended either in-person or remotely via Webex. If you are planning to attend the meeting in person, please send an email to evi@iea.org. The Webex registration link will be shared soon.
- All CEM EVI and ‘Global Drive to Zero Campaign’ Members and Partners;
- Delegates from all other CEM countries and partner organisations.