CEM15/MI-9: Advancing Clean Energy Together
New Mobility Congress – eHDV Forum
Climate Week NYC — Transportation Decarbonization events
Virtual Island Summit 2024
Cenex Expo 2024
Sustainable Road Transport Europe 2024 – Amsterdam
International Transport Forum 2024
COP28 Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicle Events
Asia Pacific Climate Week: Accelerating Regional Collaboration on Zero-Emission Trucks and Buses
Join us at the UNFCCC’s Asia Pacific Climate Week for a high-level, interactive hybrid roundtable event, which will focus on the transition to a zero-emission commercial vehicle future. Discover how quickly this transformation can occur through ambitious policies, programs, and…
Zero-Emission Trucks are here! How to accelerate the transition
Climate Week NYC — Transportation Decarbonization events | 9.18.23-9.20.23
CEM 14/MI-8: Advancing Clean Energy Together
Financing clean transport at scale — Closing the viability gap to scale private sector finance in clean transport
The case for investing in zero-emission transport is ever more compelling. But the amount of climate finance dedicated to transport is insufficient. This lack of financing hinders private sector finance to flow into clean transport transition projects at pace. The…
Reaching the next level -Zero Emissions for Urban Freight — How-to-Guide
Urban commercial transport is increasing-exacerbating traffic and harmful emissions. What can cities do? The How to Guide: “Zero- Emission Zones: Don’t wait to start with freight!” offers a practical guide for how cities can reduce pollution, improve public health, make…
ITF 2023 Summit Side Event | Zero Emission Trucks Are Here- How to finance the transition? Double session | 5.24.23 in Leipzig, Germany
This double session will provide two empowering events on Financing the transition to zero-emission trucks: 1) a High-level inspirational panel, from 16:00 to 16:40, 2) an interactive workshop, from 16:40 to 18:00. The interactive workshop allows you to: Expand your…
Zero Emission Trucks Are Here- how to finance the transition?
ITF23 creates a unique opportunity for the transport community to unite and align on climate action. Logistics emissions are set to increase 42% by 2050 according to the International Transport Forum and the OECD, contributing to global climate change. It is time to align with all relevant stakeholders towards sector decarbonization and start scaling-up zero-emission transport.
ITF Zero Emission Truck (ZET) Policy Group
ITF Zero Emission Truck (ZET) Policy Group | 5.24.23 in Leipzig, Germany
At the ITF Zero Emission Truck (ZET) Policy Group ( 10:30 AM -12:00 PM – May 24, 2023 ITF Summit in Leipzig, Germany) more than two dozen government, academic, and nonprofit representatives gathered to discuss how to navigate stakeholder perspectives…
Working together to accelerate the transition to zero-emission transport | May 22-23, 2023
The Netherlands and CALSTART’s Drive to Zero invite you to the first GLOBAL MOU in-person event — Working together to accelerate the global transition to zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles. Highlights The event is by invitation only. As a signatory of…
Is California leaving Europe’s truck industry behind? RAPPORTEUR YANNICK JADOT MEP AND TRANSPORT & ENVIRONMENT
CALSTART’s Europe Director Sita Holtslag will moderate a high-level discussion hosted by Rapporteur Yannick Jadot Member of European Parliament and Transport & Environment (T&E), Is California leaving Europe’s truck industry behind? at The European Parliament in Brussels. Participants include: Yannick…
University of California, Davis Institute of Transportation Studies Conference
Transforming Transportation 2023
Global MOU on ZE-MHDVs Thematic Deep Dive #6: Enabling Policies
Global MOU on ZE-MHDVs Thematic Deep Dive #5: Innovative Financing
Under the Global Memorandum of Understanding (Global MOU) on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (ZE-MHDV), leading nations are now working collaboratively to enable 100% zero-emission new truck and bus sales by 2040 with an interim goal of 30% zero-emission vehicle sales…
COP27: CALSTART Drive to Zero & partner events
The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) will bring together government heads, ministers and negotiators, climate activists, local elected leaders, and private sector innovators for the largest global annual gathering on…
Automotive World’s Future Mobility Europe: Decarbonizing Road Transport
Automotive World’s Future Mobility Europe presents a virtual discussion “Decarbonizing Road Transport” featuring Drive to Zero’s Europe Director, Sita Holtslag. The road freight sector is responsible for almost 10% of global CO2 emissions, and its contribution is climbing. As a…
ZEV Community and CALSTART: The Global MOU for Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicles
This joint session from ZEV Community and CALSTART examines key questions and answers around global efforts to accelerate the zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty segment. Topics include purchase subsidies, tax incentives, how smaller fleets can drive to zero, and regulations. Speakers:…
Europe: Countries and regions initiatives supporting zero emission road freight and logistics
Join a series of online workshops “Countries and regions initiatives supporting zero emission road freight and logistics.” This series was born from a collaboration between EMEurope and ALICE with support from the POLIS network and in collaboration with the Global Memorandum of…
Global Clean Energy Action Forum (CEM13/MI7): CALSTART & Drive to Zero events
E-Truck Systems Integration Course
Launch of the IEA’s Global EV Outlook 2021 | April 29, 2021
4/29/21 at 10am-11am PDT | 1pm – 2pm EDT | 19:00 – 20:00 CEST The International Energy Agency together with CALSTART’s Drive to ZeroTM program and campaign will host a webinar on 29 April for the launch of the IEA’s Global EV Outlook 2021. During…
CALSTART & Ceres NYC Climate Week 2020: How will a third of USA’s commercial vehicle market drive toward 30 percent zero-emission sales by 2030?
11th Clean Energy Ministerial: 10 Years of EVI: Entering the Decade of the Electric Drive
Getting zero-emission vans and trucks on the road – Kick-Off Session
Increasing ambitious action in the decarbonization of freight is key to move the world closer to achieving the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Accelerating zero-emission freight vehicle uptake and help manufacturers better respond to market signals…