New global push to speed zero-emission commercial vehicles to be announced at En Route to COP26 event  

Dec 1, 2020 8:00 am

NEW YORK – A new global push to speed zero-emission commercial vehicle manufacturing and adoption will be announced on the opening day of the En Route to COP26 event. On December 1st global ZE commercial vehicle government and industry leaders will participate in a series of virtual panels in support of this new collaborative effort. The public is invited to join the Is the end of the Internal Combustion Engine coming for Freight? event by registering here. The event is being co-organized by the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA), CALSTART/Drive to ZeroTM, EV100/The Climate Group, and the World Economic Forum. The TDA is a collaboration between countries, cities/regions, and companies aimed at accelerating a worldwide transformation of the transportation sector towards a net-zero emission mobility system before 2050.

The En Route to COP26 conference will be held virtually Dec. 1-3, one year in advance of United Nations Climate Conference (COP26).

WHAT:           Is the end of the Internal Combustion Engine coming for Freight?

WHEN:          Dec. 1st at 8am-9:30am PT | 11:00am-12:30pm ET | 17:00-18:30 CET

REGISTER: Register here.

CALSTART | Changing transportation for good

A national nonprofit consortium with offices in New York, Michigan, Colorado and California and partners world-wide, CALSTART works with 250+ member company and agency innovators to build a prosperous, efficient and clean high-tech transportation industry. We knock out barriers to modernization and the adoption of clean vehicles. CALSTART is changing transportation for good.

Contact: Roxanna Smith

+1 510.326.0390