The Progress Dashboard is a dynamic tool that will be continuously updated as the policy landscape for ZE-MHDVs continues to grow and develop. More countries and research will be added on the specifics of the various policies and actions implemented. This section provides further resources for the exploration of zero-emission vehicle policy from several sources used to build the Progress Dashboard. As more information becomes available, relevant links and descriptions will be posted here to provide further insight into the developing market and policy action across jurisdictions.

The IEA Global EV Policy Explorer: A thorough collection of current EV policy for both heavy- and light-duty vehicles across many country jurisdictions

The International Council on Clean Transportation’s Heavy-duty vehicle resources: Wide ranging publications on heavy-duty ZEV policy as well as country-specific deep dives on a breadth of policy implementation and considerations

IEA’s Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology Collaboration Programme (HEV TCP): A useful resource from the IEA with EV market overviews on several countries describing the actions taking place and proposed

C40 Cities Zero-emission freight market and policy development briefing (2020): City-specific focus on zero-emission freight, pulling strong examples of policy success in global cities from China to the Neverlands, to the US. Highlights specific suggestions and recommendations for cities during this transition.

Further Reading on European Union CO2 Regulation and Monitoring: Outlines EU Regulation 2018/956 that requires monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions for heavy-duty vehicles.

Drive to Zero policy and action toolkit: A collection of policies and actions, both planned and proposed, that have boosted ZEV uptake and adoption. Lots of examples of different kinds of policy mechanisms that can be implemented.

European Alternative Fuels Observatory: Provides important statistics and information about vehicle uptake in the EU. A lot of valuable information presented in charts and figures.

The politics of technology bans: Industrial policy competition and green goals for the auto industry: A journal article looking at the dynamics and politics of technology bans, namely combustion engine vehicles, and how green goals can spur industrial policy competition internationally.