International Transport Forum 2024

May 22, 2024 - May 24, 2024


Join the Government of the Netherlands and CALSTART’s Drive to Zero at ITF 2024 for a host of events aimed at reaching at least 100% new zero-emission truck and bus sales by 2040 latest under the Global Memorandum (MOU) on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (ZE-MHDVs).

*Accelerated Pathway for Road Freight Infrastructure Corridors

Wednesday, 22 May, from 09:00 to 10:30
Location: ITF summit – Leipziger Messe GmbH (CCL) Messe-Allee 1 04356 Leipzig Germany 
Room: Hall 4

The availability of charging infrastructure tailored to various types and sizes of electric vehicles is vital to expedite the shift towards zero-emission transportation. However, the current global shortfall in deploying such infrastructure poses a growing threat to achieving the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement. This risk is especially pronounced in emerging markets, which currently host only 2% of the world’s charging infrastructure.

This event aims to chart a course for expediting the global deployment of charging infrastructure tailored specifically for Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles (MHDV). Aligned with the Breakthrough Agenda, it will delineate key priorities for fostering collaboration between governmental entities and private sector initiatives to accelerate the deployment of global charging infrastructure. These priorities include:

  • Exploring the potential of digital collaborative technologies to streamline the planning and operational aspects of charging infrastructure.
  • Assessing how countries can leverage existing transport infrastructure to expedite their transition towards sustainable energy solutions.
  • Identifying financing strategies and regulatory frameworks that can incentivize private sector investment in the deployment of charging infrastructure.

By addressing these critical questions, the event aims to catalyze actionable steps towards achieving widespread adoption of MHDV electric vehicles and bolstering global efforts towards a more sustainable future.


Smart Freight Centre (SFC), World Economic Forum (WEF) & World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 

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*Financing Pathways for Global ZE-trucks – Getting It Done

Thursday, 23 May, from 09:00 to 10:30
Location: ITF summit – Leipziger Messe GmbH (CCL) Messe-Allee 1 04356 Leipzig Germany
Room: MPA3 located on level 0, the same level as the media centre

The global market for trucks is at the cusp of a zero-emission (ZE) revolution. Globally, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) contribute 31% of all CO2 emissions from road transport (IEA, Statista, 2022). The transition to zero-emission alternatives will reduce dependency on fossil fuels, improve health, create new jobs and financing opportunities, and reduce carbon emissions. But speedy deployment of zero-emission trucks will require building the confidence of the financing industry to develop suitable financing products. Finding solutions to the high initial costs of ZE-MHDVs, as well as the need for more charging infrastructure, calls for proactive engagement from climate financiers.

This fully interactive side event will allow you to learn more about this topic and connect with experts in small group conversations. Questions to be answered include:

  • What models work for climate finance (climate finance, philanthropy, venture capital, sustainability bonds, and carbon credits)?
  • What can governments do to remove risk and unlock private capital for zero-emission trucks and infrastructure?
  • What policies are most effective to secure supply?

Speakers / Facilitators: 

Sita Holtslag Europe Director CALSTART/Drive to Zero
Stephanie Kodish Global Director CALSTART/Drive to Zero
Urška Skrt Mobility Manager at WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Thomas Deloison Director, Mobility & Member of the WBCSD Extended Leadership Group
Olivia Wessendorff Advisor on Sustainable Transport and Global Outreach Secretary-General’s Office, International Transport Forum at the OECD
Mohamed Hegazy Transport Lead, Climate Champions Team
Dennis Zaitsev International Policy Officer Sustainable Logistics Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Government of The Netherlands
Sonja Munnix International Coordinator Sustainable Logistics, The Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Cristina Albuquerque Director of Global Electric Mobility for WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Tim Dallmann Program Lead at The International Council on Clean Transportation
Mahua Acharya CEO International Energy Transition Platform, Former CEO CESL Government of India
Michael Berube Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation, U.S.A Department of Energy
Sarina Katz Senior Communications Specialist with the International Partnerships Program,  ICCT
Herman Sips Senior Strategy Advisor at Smart Freight Center
Erik Björke Senior Manager Transport at Climate Group


  • Led by: The Netherlands, CALSTART/Drive to Zero, World Resources Institute,  and Transport Decarbonisation Alliance
  • Supported by: Climate Group and ZEVWISE partners including UNEP, World Bank, SFC, the ICCT, WBCSD

Please register to secure a spot and receive the optional pre-read materials.

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ITF in Focus: Decarbonising Transport

Wednesday, 22 May, from 09:00 to 10:30
Location: ITF summit – CCL Hall 2 

A session where ITF reflects on the success of the decarbonising transport initiative and launches our new Initiative for Sustainable Transport. This session will reflect on the work of the first phases of the ITF decarbonising transport initiative, highlighting the key projects and outcomes and will consider the role of multilevel action and alignment to deliver truly sustainable transport.


Young Tae Kim Secretary-General International Transport Forum
Malithi Fernando Project Manager – Sustainable Transport International Transport Forum
Olivia Wessendorff Sustainable Transport and Global Outreach Advisor to the SG International Transport Forum
Agustina Calatayud Head of Transportation Research Inter-American Development Bank
Mohamed Hegazy Principal & Managing Director Transport for Cairo L.L.P.
Diego Silva López Chief of Strategy and Operators Contracts Management Directory of Metropolitan Public Transport (DTPM), Santiago, Chile
Ririn Radiawati Kusuma Indonesia Director Clean Air Asia
Sita Holtslag Europe Director CALSTART/Drive to Zero


International Transport Forum

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ITF 2024 Press Conference ZEV Declaration & Global MOU

Wednesday, 22 May, from 12:30 to 13:15
Location: Media room 

The transition to electromobility has reached a global tipping point entering the mainstream market in many regions around the world and sending clear demand signals to unlock cost reductions. Yet despite this growth, the pace of the transition still falls short of meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Global initiatives like the Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) Declaration and the Global MOU on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (MHDVs) propel the sector forward with ambitious commitments. 

Since COP26, 52 countries have committed to working towards 100% new sales of zero-emission cars and vans through the ZEV Declaration. And even though this segment is considered specifically hard-to-abate, 35 countries have committed towards 100% new sales of zero-emission trucks and buses by 2040 by signing the Global MOU on ZE-MHDVs. New commitments to these pledges, send a clear market signal and to effectively narrow the emissions gap to limit warming to well below 2°C. Those who make commitments must now implement these commitments through policy, financing, and strategic collaboration. 


  • Illustrate the current state of play in the ZEV transition, including the remaining emissions gap, through the presentation of progress data 
  • Announce new signatories to the ZEV Declaration and Global MOU to showcase continued momentum 
  • Highlight tangible and ongoing outputs to highlight the shift from commitment to real-world implementation with a focus on ZEVWISE 10 Global Green Corridor launch 

This event, jointly organized by representatives of the ZEV Declaration and Global MOU, will provide a stock take of the zero-emission vehicle transition to date, and discuss solutions and areas of needed action to further drive an equitable transportation shift. New signatories and endorsers towards a Paris aligned ZEV transition will also be announced. 

The press conference is open to all, no registration to the ITF summit is needed.

Press Conference Resources

Global MOU 
Under the Global MOU on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, leading countries work together to enable 100% zero-emission new truck and bus sales by 2040 latest and at least 30% by 2030.

Global MOU ze-MHDVs

ZEV Declaration
Stakeholders from across the transportation value chain work towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero-emission globally by 2040, and by no later than 2035 in leading markets.

ZEV Declaration

ZEVWISE Zero-Emission Freight Corridors Fact Sheet
This fact sheet serves as the official announcement of the initiative’s focus on advancing at least 10 corridors globally by 2026. It includes a comprehensive overview of the initiative’s mission, objectives, and strategic approach. Additionally, the fact sheet outlines the initial eight corridors identified for consideration as part of our focused efforts to revolutionize global freight.

ZEVWISE Fact Sheet

Press Releases
We invite you to read the news releases from ITF 2024! Here you will learn about new signatories that have signed, and endorsers that support, the Global Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, and the ZEVWISE Coalition’s initial global zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty freight corridors plan, and countries to sign the ZEV Declaration.
MOU Signatories/Cooridors PR  MOU Endorsers PR  ZEV Declaration PR

International Transport Forum: Greening Transport — Keeping Focus in Times of Crisis

22-24 May
Location: Leipzig, Germany

The annual Summit of the International Transport Forum is the world’s largest gathering of transport ministers and the premier global transport policy event.

*All side events require registration for ITF. 

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