ZETI Data Explorer provides new insights into global zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (ZE-MHDV) market status and trends
Pasadena, CA – CALSTART, a global non-profit focused on clean energy and transportation, is pleased to announce the launch of the Zero-Emission Technology Inventory (ZETI) Data Explorer from its Global Commercial Vehicle Drive to Zero (Drive to Zero™) Program and campaign. This new breakthrough tool makes it possible to better understand, analyze, and potentially accelerate the zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle market–a market critical to solving the climate crisis.
The ZETI Data Explorer is an interactive tool for fleets, manufacturers, policymakers, non-profits and academia that allows users to filter, explore, compare, contrast, and visualize data about today’s zero-emission truck and bus models. The data comes from Drive to Zero’s Zero-Emission Technology Inventory (ZETI) database, which seeks to establish a shared knowledgebase of all currently available zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (ZE-MHDVs); to date, there are more than 800 distinct models included.
ZETI Data Explorer enables users to view and compare various data points like model availability by region or manufacturer, vehicle availability per manufacturer, range per vehicle type, battery capacity, market trends, and much more.
“Zero-emission trucks and buses are working today to put our collective net-zero by 2050 goals within reach, improve air quality, create jobs, and deliver operational benefits to users,” said Dr. Cristiano Façanha, CALSTART’s global director and lead of its Drive to Zero program. “Nations and fleets must not underestimate the depth and breadth of this growing market. Zero-emission vehicles can deliver mail, pick up your recycling, run drayage, deliver goods and people, and much more.”
The Drive to Zero™ program updates ZETI Data Explorer regularly. Manufacturers are invited to send us new models to include in the tool. Questions about ZETI can be directed to info@globaldrivetozero.org.
About Drive to Zero™
Drive to Zero is catalyzing the growth of the zero-emission truck and bus segment. With the government of the Netherlands, Drive to Zero is collaboratively leading the world’s most ambitious multi-nation effort to accelerate the zero-emission truck and bus segment and reduce emissions from transport — the
Global Agreement on Zero-Emission Trucks and Buses (Global MOU).
A national nonprofit consortium with offices in New York, Michigan, Colorado, California, Washington, D.C., central Europe and partners world-wide, CALSTART works with 300+ member company and agency innovators to build a prosperous, efficient and clean high-tech transportation industry. We knock down barriers to modernization and the adoption of clean vehicles. CALSTART is changing transportation for good.