Plus India manufacturers launch zero-emission transport coalition and national government’s new e-FAST platform advances freight electrification

Leading manufacturers at the ZET High Level Ambition Group for India industry group launch at CEM14 in Goa, India.
GOA, INDIA — Tourism, policy, and innovation leader Goa, India has endorsed an ambitious global agreement to reach 100% zero-emission new medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sales by 2040, with an interim goal of at least 30% new sales by 2030. Goa joins fellow India state Telangana, which has been a long-time backer of The Global Memorandum of Understanding on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Global MOU). The announcement was made today at the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM14) and 8th Mission Innovation (MI-8) in Goa.
Twenty-seven countries are currently signatories to the Global MOU, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and others (full list here). Roughly 80 subnational governments—including California, Québec, and now Goa—as well as private sector innovators Scania, DHL, Heineken and many others have signed formal acknowledgements endorsing the Global MOU. Recent endorsers include Rivian, Megaflux, Motiv, Breytner, and Donaldson. CALSTART’s Global Commercial Vehicle Drive to Zero program and campaign (Drive to ZeroTM) and the Netherlands co-lead implementation of the Global MOU.
Recognizing the economic, climate, air quality and grid stability opportunities associated with zero-emission transport acceleration and infrastructure development, the growing zero-emission transport community issued a public plea and call to action earlier this week at CEM. They are calling for increased collaboration within and between top national governments, as well as between the transport and energy domains, to accelerate global infrastructure for zero-emission transport. In a public letter, the global community striving for zero-emission transport spotlights the critical economic and climate opportunities that must be seized now (read the full public letter here).
This call to action was announced as a part of supporter ZEVWISE coalition’s CEM14 side event, Zero-Emission Trucks and the Energy Sector: Bridging the Gap and Financing the Transition. Participants discussed key levers to achieving the timely delivery of adequate charging infrastructure and how to finance this critical transition.
“Top global economies have the power today to send a clear signal to the market that zero-emission transport and transport infrastructure are top priorities when it comes to addressing the climate crisis. It’s a smart move from an air quality, technology leadership, economic and climate perspective,” said Minister Vivianne Heijnen, Dutch Minister for the Environment.
“The data is clear— we simply are not moving fast enough when it comes to zero-emission trucks, buses, and infrastructure. Active collaboration and cooperation, as well as a mix of strong policies, incentives and programs from across the world’s economies is critically needed to address rising transport emissions and the climate crisis,” said Stephanie Kodish, CALSTART’s Global Senior Director and Lead of its Global Commercial Vehicle Drive to Zero (Drive to ZeroTM) program and campaign. “The technological and economic realities show us that the moment to accelerate and transition is now.”
CALSTART & partners at CEM14
In support of accelerating zero-emission transport ambition in India, today the Zero-Emission Truck High-Level Ambition Group (ZET HLAG) for India was launched. The ZET HLAG coalition brings together top India commercial vehicle and component manufacturers, as well as infrastructure providers that include Volvo Group India, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Ashok Leyland, Tata Motors, EVage and Omega Seiki Mobility. The goal of the coalition is to collaboratively identify and work to achieve the strong mix of policies, programs, incentives and partnerships to accelerate India’s zero-emission transport sector. The coalition was launched at a high-level CEM14 event co-led by CALSTART; the India ZEV Research Centre, University of California Davis; and Climate Group.
Trucks and buses are only 5% of India’s on-road fleet but account for 70% fuel consumption and over 70% of particulate matter emissions. With the goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2070, HLAG organizers and participants agreed zero-emission transport must be prioritized. An overview of India’s technology pathway to a zero-emission transport future is provided in the new briefing document India’s Inflection Point: A Clear Path to Global Leadership in Decarbonization.
Zero-emission vehicles & India’s ZE transport future

Hon. Shri Pramod Sawant, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa, tours the Zero-Emission Zone of the CEM14 technology and cultural showcase.
To demonstrate the growing availability of zero-emission vehicles in India and globally, partners CALSTART’s Drive to Zero, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (knowledge partner) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) presented the “Zero-Emission Zone” as a part of CEM’s larger technology and cultural showcase at Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Indoor Stadium. The “Zero-Emission Zone” featured a display of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, including offerings from Olectra Greentech, JBM Auto, Daimler India Commercial Vehicle and Tata Motors.
This week also marked the launch of e-FAST, a NITI Aayog and World Resources Institute platform serving as a catalyst in India in the transition towards cleaner, greener freight transportation. Its focus is on active collaborations at national and international levels, deployment of scalable pilots and exploration of technology integration and associated research.
CALSTART | Changing transportation for good
A national nonprofit consortium with offices in New York, Michigan, Colorado and California and partners worldwide, CALSTART works with 300+ member company and agency innovators to build a prosperous, efficient and clean high-tech transportation industry. We knock out barriers to modernization and the adoption of clean vehicles. CALSTART is changing transportation for good.
CALSTART’s Global Commercial Vehicle Drive to Zero program and campaign (Drive to ZeroTM) is designed to catalyze the growth of the zero-emission truck and bus segment. Drive to Zero is an official campaign of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) under the Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI).
Contact: Roxanna Smith | | +1.510.326.0390